Why You Should Hire the Best DUI Lawyer after a Drunk Driving Arrest

Why You Should Hire the Best DUI Lawyer after a Drunk Driving Arrest

Drunk driving in California is a serious offense that carries significant adverse consequences. Police agencies have stepped up enforcement efforts in recent years by increasing DUI patrols and setting up checkpoints throughout Los Angeles. If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence, it is essential that you find a lawyer who has experience handling DUI cases immediately.

At The Law Offices of David S. Chesley, our high-skilled team of Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys can help determine the right DUI defense strategy for your case. Our lawyers will work tirelessly to earn the highest chance of success by examining every aspect of your case to potentially reduce charges to a lesser offense, negotiate a lighter sentence, or even convince the prosecution to drop the charges. Contact one of our exceptional criminal defense attorneys if you’d like to learn how to best proceed with your case.

California DUI Laws

Under California law, it is a crime to operate a motor vehicle if you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol and your physical and mental abilities become impaired to the point of being unable to drive safely. The legal limit for BAC in the state of California is 0.08% for drivers 21 years or old who are operating a regular passenger vehicle. The BAC for drivers operating a commercial vehicle is 0.04%, and for drivers younger than 21 years old, it’s 0.01%. Even if your BAC is found to be below the legal limit, you might still face DUI charges if there is other evidence of intoxication. In these cases, the prosecution may argue that even if your BAC was not high, your driving was still affected to the extent that you were impaired.

What is the DUI Process in Los Angeles?

DUI processes in Los Angeles County begin with a law enforcement official observing that you’re committed a violation of the law and pulling over your vehicle. Officers must have reasonable suspicion or probable cause in California to stop your vehicle. The only exceptions are DUI checkpoints which allow officers to briefly stop drivers passing through and determining if they are under the influence. Law enforcement officials are trained to look for common telltale signs of intoxication. Some common symptoms of intoxication include slurred speech, an odor of alcohol, watery and bloodshot eyes.

If the officer suspects that you are intoxicated by drugs or alcohol, they will ask you to exit the vehicle and proceed to conduct a typical DUI investigation. In a DUI investigation, you will likely be asked to take a field sobriety test. The officer will measure your balance, motor skills, and ability to follow instructions. You have the right to refuse to participate in roadside testing, but it will likely result in you being arrested anyhow. Sometimes, police officers conduct improper roadside investigations, and breathalyzers and blood tests are often prone to error. Our Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys look for these potential blunders in an attempt to help you win your case.

What are the DUI Penalties in Los Angeles?

 If the officer has probable cause to believe you’re intoxicated, you will be arrested and given the option to take a blood or breathalyzer test. Drivers that refuse chemical testing can face a year-long suspension of their driver’s license. The arresting officer will proceed to confiscate your driver’s license and provide you with a pink slip that acts as a temporary license for 30 days. A DUI arrest can result in severe consequences. These consequences may include significant fines, a driver’s license suspension, unanticipated collateral damage, having an ignition interlock device installed in your car, participating in a DUI education program, or even facing jail time.

DUIs are complex criminal charges because there are several factors to be considered in a potential DUI offense. Some factors may include whether anyone was injured or if you have previous offenses. A first DUI offense, for drivers 21 years old and older, results in a misdemeanor that is punishable by a suspension of your license, up to six months in county jail, up to $1,000 in fines, a mandatory DUI program, or an installation of an ignition interlock device. Felony DUIs are punishable by up to three years in state prison, a license suspension or revocation for four years, DUI school for up to 30 months, and up to $1000 fines. Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles can substantially improve your chances of obtaining a favorable resolution in your case.

Call Us Today to Speak with a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer

At The Law Offices of David S. Chesley, our exceptionally knowledgeable criminal defense lawyers in Los Angeles know how incredibly life-changing a criminal offense can be. A criminal conviction can carry severe consequences, including significant fines or even incarceration. Our attorneys know what to expect from a DUI case and have the right tools to challenge a recent conviction. Suppose you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI in Los Angeles, don’t hesitate to secure a legal professional. Call 800-755-5174 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with an attorney.

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