Tech Once Fix Phone RingsThen Goes To Voicemail Uneeb KhanJuly 21, 20230269 views Have you ever experienced the frustration of your phone ringing just once before diverting to voicemail? It can be incredibly annoying, especially if you are eagerly awaiting an important call. This issue is more common than you might think, but fortunately, there are solutions available. In this article, we will explore the causes behind this problem and provide you with effective methods to fix it. In this digital age, where communication plays a vital role, missing an important phone call can be quite frustrating. When you eagerly wait for an important call, only to have it redirected to voicemail, it can leave you wondering what went wrong. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind phone calls being redirected to voicemail and discuss possible solutions to fix this issue. Table of Contents Understanding the Problem: Why Does Your Phone Ring Once and Then Go to Voicemail?Solutions to Fix Phone Rings Once Then Goes To VoicemailSolution 1: Check Call Diversion SettingsSolution 2: Verify Network CoverageSolution 3: Contact Your Network ProviderSolution 4: Remove Call Forwarding AppsBonus Tip: Try Calling With a Different NumberConclusion Understanding the Problem: Why Does Your Phone Ring Once and Then Go to Voicemail? When your phone rings once and then goes to voicemail, it indicates that the call is being forwarded rather than answered directly. There are So many factors that can contribute to this issue, given below: Call Diversion Settings: Incorrect call diversion settings on your phone can cause calls to be redirected to voicemail after a single ring. This could be due to accidental activation or misconfigured settings. Network Coverage: Poor network coverage or signal interference can disrupt incoming calls, causing them to be automatically forwarded to voicemail. Network Provider Settings: Your network provider may have certain default settings that redirect calls to voicemail under specific circumstances, such as when you are on another call or have enabled the Do Not Disturb mode. Call Forwarding Apps: If you have installed any call forwarding apps on your phone, they might interfere with the normal call handling process and result in calls going straight to voicemail. Now that we understand the possible causes, let’s move on to the solutions to resolve this frustrating issue. Inadequate Network Coverage One common reason for calls going straight to voicemail is insufficient network coverage. In areas with weak or no network signal, your phone may struggle to establish a stable connection, resulting in missed calls. Factors such as tall buildings, remote locations, or network congestion can contribute to poor signal strength. Solution: Improve Network Coverage To overcome this problem, you can take the following steps: Ensure that you are in an area with sufficient network coverage. Moving closer to a window or going outside might help improve signal strength. If you frequently encounter this issue at home or in your office, consider installing a signal booster or Wi-Fi calling feature, which can enhance your network connectivity. Contact your service provider to inquire about potential network upgrades or any known issues in your area. Do Not Disturb Mode Another possible reason for calls being diverted to voicemail is activating the “Do Not Disturb” (DND) mode on your phone. DND mode is a handy feature that allows you to silence calls and notifications during specific periods or when you want uninterrupted focus. Solution: Adjusting Do Not Disturb Settings To rectify this issue, follow these steps: First log in to Open the settings on your phone and locate the “Do Not Disturb” option. Check if the DND mode is activated. If it is, deactivate it or customize the settings according to your preferences. Ensure that you haven’t accidentally scheduled the DND mode to be active during the time you expect essential calls. Solutions to Fix Phone Rings Once Then Goes To Voicemail Solution 1: Check Call Diversion Settings Start by examining the call diversion settings on your phone. Follow these steps: Open the Phone app on your device. Locate the Settings or Options menu (depending on your phone model). Look for the Call Settings or Call Diversion option. Disable any active call diversion settings. By disabling call diversion settings, you ensure that incoming calls will be directed to your phone rather than being forwarded to voicemail after a single ring. Solution 2: Verify Network Coverage Sometimes, network issues can cause a problem, on calls to go straight forward to voicemail. To check if this occurs, follow these steps: Move to an area with better network coverage or away from any potential signal interference. Dial your phone number from another device and see if it rings normally. If the problem persists even in an area with good network coverage, proceed to the next solution. Solution 3: Contact Your Network Provider Get in touch with your network provider’s customer support to ensure there are no default settings that redirect calls to voicemail. Explain the issue you are facing and ask them to assist you in resolving it. Provide them details such as the specific number(s) that exhibit the problem and any error messages you receive. The customer support representative should be able to guide you through any necessary settings adjustments or identify any network-related issues that may be causing the problem. Solution 4: Remove Call Forwarding Apps If you have any call-forwarding apps installed on your phone, try removing them temporarily to see if the issue persists. Call forwarding apps can sometimes conflict with the normal call-handling process, resulting in calls being automatically redirected to voicemail. Uninstall the call forwarding app(s) from your device and test incoming calls to check if they ring through as expected. Bonus Tip: Try Calling With a Different Number As an additional troubleshooting step, you can try calling from a different phone number to see if the issue persists. This will help determine if the problem is specific to your phone or if it’s related to the network or the caller’s phone. Conclusion Experiencing a situation where your phone rings only once before diverting to voicemail can be frustrating, but it is a problem that can be resolved. By checking and adjusting your call diversion settings, verifying network coverage, reaching out to your network provider, and removing any call-forwarding apps, you can regain control over your incoming calls. Remember, the solutions provided in this article are general guidelines, and specific steps may vary depending on your phone model and network provider. If the problem persists even after trying the suggested solutions, it is recommended to seek further assistance from your device manufacturer or consult with technical support. Note:-Now that you are trained with the knowledge to tackle this issue, go ahead and fix your phone so that you never miss an important call again!