How to Prepare for CA Foundation New Syllabus for June 2024

The Chartered Accountancy Foundation course is the gateway towards the prestigious chartered accountancy course. The CA Foundation exams happen twice in a year: in June and December. The governing body of the CA course, ICAI, makes periodic changes to the CA syllabus foundation so that students can stay ahead of the competition and update themself as per the changing requirements of the finance and accounting world. As per the CA new scheme, the ICAI Foundation New Syllabus will be applicable from June 2024 exams. 

As per the CA Foundation’s new syllabus 2024, there are some deductions in the subject, and there are changes in the CA Foundation exam pattern, too. Below, we will discuss the CA Foundation syllabus and essential tips that will help you clear the exams. Let’s check. 

About The CA Foundation New Syllabus

Before diving into your preparation strategies, it is imperative that you understand any modifications to the new CA Foundation syllabus for June 2024. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) regularly revises this syllabus in line with current industry trends and regulations.

At present, the CA Foundation syllabus comprises six subjects and four papers. However, as per the new scheme however, ICAI has eliminated two subjects – Business Correspondence & Reporting and Business & Commercial Knowledge.

Hence, the syllabus is as follows:

  1. Accounting (100 Marks)
  2. Business Laws (100 Marks)
  3. Quantitative Aptitude (100 Marks)
  • Business Mathematics
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Statistics
  1. Business Economics (100 Marks)

Hence, CA aspirants will be preparing for these four subjects. Now, let’s check a few essential tips that aspiring CA candidates must follow so that they can score well in their exams. 

Essential Tips To Prepare For CA Foundation New Syllabus 2024 June Attempt

1. Create a Study Plan for the CA Foundation’s New Syllabus 

Start by developing a detailed study plan covering all subjects and topics of the new syllabus. Allocate specific time slots for each subject while being realistic about your study hours. Moreover, be sure that enough time remains for revision and practice tests. Only create a timetable that you can follow. 

2. Join Proper CA Coaching for CA Foundation New Syllabus 

For preparing for the CA Foundation exam, students have two options: either to opt for self-study or join CA Classes. Joining CA classes has its own benefits since you will get expert guidance, concept clearance, and also have a structured learning process. Hence, make a decision wisely. 

3. Focus on Understanding Key Concepts

To clear the CA Foundation New Syllabus, you must focus on understanding the core concepts of all the subjects instead of memorizing them rotely. As application-based questions play an integral part in its format, possessing an in-depth knowledge of all subjects is absolutely crucial for success.

Moreover, gaining in-depth knowledge will help you to apply your knowledge to the subsequent levels and during your profession as a CA. 

4. Regular Revision Session of CA Foundation New Syllabus

Make time for regular revision sessions to consolidate what you have learned. Have the CA Foundation syllabus PDF by your side and start revising systematically so that you complete the revision of the entire syllabus. 

5. Mock Exams and Practice Papers

Solve mock tests and practice papers regularly so that you can get an idea about the exam format and also improve time management. After you appear for the mock tests, evaluate your performance and focus on strengthening any weak areas. This will help you cover all the areas of the CA Foundation’s New Syllabus and will build your confidence. 

6. Time Management

Plan your time carefully during the exam by setting aside specific amounts of time per question and sticking with that schedule. If any particular question feels difficult, move on quickly or come back later.

7. Stay Up-to-Date

Stay current on changes or amendments related to taxation, accounting standards and business law regulations. The CA Foundation exam may have questions based on these updates. Hence, ensure you remain updated with all the latest updates in the world of finance and accounting. 

8. Take Help When Needed

If you face any challenges during the CA Foundation New Syllabus, don’t hesitate to take help from experts, classmates or professors. This will help you clear your doubts on time and won’t hinder your progress. 

10. Stay Healthy

When preparing for the exams, it is important that you remain physically and mentally fit. Both matter since, with no good health, you will lack concentration, which will ultimately affect how you prepare and write on the day of the exam. Hence, have adequate sleep, eat healthy, and do some light exercises along with yoga and meditation. 


With these tips in mind for the CA Foundation New Syllabus preparation, you can clear the exams in a single attempt. Always be confident, keep your preparation strong, and you will clear the exams.

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