Tech 5 Best Street Fighter 6 Characters To Use Against JP Uneeb KhanJuly 7, 20230264 views Image Source: Canva Street Fighter 6 players are finding ways to beat Capcom’s new character now that fans have the full game version after the test phase. In Street Fighter 6, Capcom added old and new characters that fit various play styles. The new main enemy, Johan Pavlovic, “JP,” is a hard character to beat. Since there are different fighting methods, like close-quarters, long-range with projectiles, and defensive-counter, players familiar with the game will know that JP is the best at long ranges. Even though this is true, there are a lot of old fighters and some new ones from Street Fighter 5 that can give the CPU or players who use JP a good task. Table of Contents LukeCammyKenRyuGuile Luke Luke is a great character for close-quarters fighting, and players who have played both Street Fighter 5 and Street Fighter 6 will know this. Since JP’s main fighting style is to stand far away and finish people off with projectiles, the best way to beat him is to close the distance and try to put him in the corner. This is easy to do with Luke’s powerful punches and mix of projectiles in his base attacks and super arts. Players must avoid command grabs that can’t be teched and surprise long-distance attacks that come while they’re moving forward. They should also put on as much pressure as possible as soon as possible, before JP can get back on his feet or regain a long-distance edge. Cammy Cammy has attacks that work from a long distance, up close, and with much pressure. These attacks can help players beat many enemies, especially JP. When surrounded by projectiles or under pressure at a distance, strikes like the basic “Spiral Arrow” or its “Super Art” form could be the key to turning the tide and getting back into the fight. Cammy’s pressure is constant, so when she strings together multiple combos at close range quickly, her opponents don’t have much time to respond, even if they try throwing her. Even though her flaws make her very weak after special attacks or even base attacks, if players can use these attacks on Zoner enemies like JP, it opens the door to more than one win. Ken Ken is the perfect example of how to fight aggressively, with steady pressure, and with style. Using Ken against JP is something most players will want to think about. Ken has a lot to offer from the classic Hadoken to the deadly and strong Shoyureppa. Ken’s strikes are powerful and do a lot of damage, and sending the Hadoken projectile is one way to beat JP at a distance. Aside from this, players will know it’s important to keep pressure on the opponent throughout the match. One mistake could quickly turn the tide in JP’s favor and put Ken on the back foot, so using the Drive Gauge, parries, and blocks to their fullest potential is crucial to keep the opponent from Zoning. Ryu Like Ken, Ryu has a lot of close-range moves that put pressure on JP, and in Street Fighter 6, his throws, especially when he jumps in, seem to be very important. As well as his basic attacks and Hadokens, Ryu’s Super Arts and Critical Arts are very interesting to use and can often save the day when Zoning strikes are too much for him. Ryu is a good choice if you want a balanced character in attacking hard, counterattacking, and defending when it counts most. He can help many people beat JP’s aggressive long-distance attacks. Given how easy it is to play with Ryu, Wordle Unlimited players should use JP if they ever encounter opponents who use Ryu. Guile Guile, whose fighting style is mostly defensive, might be the best character to use against JP. Guile is the best character to defend against JP because he can charge up “Sonic Booms,” use Drive parries to their fullest potential, and keep his opponents as far away as possible. In addition to zoning and dealing as much damage as possible, JP players must also worry about Guile projectiles and the possibility of jump-in throws. Since JP’s biggest weakness at close range is his lack of defense, the focus would probably be on an attacking strategy against him. However, Guile can also offer some variety at close range, especially against JP, on top of the great level of defense already there. Guile players need to find a good balance between mid-range and close-range. This allows them to start mixing up his special strikes and Sonic Booms, which keeps JP under pressure. In the middle of all of this, it turns into a fight where the focus is on projectiles and ensuring that defense levels are also being paid attention to. Guile’s players are very likely to win this battle.